Coming Down
I'm sitting in the living room after a long needed nap. The snow is really coming down and if we hadn't just been through the crazy week, I would dare say it's beautiful. Thick, heavy, swirling, clinging and covering all it touches. We still have our belongings in our living room. I attended the NDMEA conference on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and then on Wednesday as the Missouri river was threatening Fox Island and the homes along the river, I was taken by surprise. The roads around our home were being closed. The mobile home park by our neighborhood was being evacuated and the ditch by our street was FULL. The picture is from our local newspaper. I taught one class and went home to meet Patrick. We spent the rest of the day moving the downstairs up. So did the rest of our neighbors. The river is continually coming down and we are all relieved. The fight or flight really kept the Bismarck Mandan community in a good place. Our Saints sand bagged for 3 days until they called off the effort when the amazing ice blasting plan freed the river up just enough to lower the levels. I had a proud calming feeling watching our Governor, Mayor, and General S. go to work. They are all Cathedral Parish members. Many events have been postponed or cancelled. I even cancelled some rehearsals. That's not me. The Internet has kept people in touch with the vivid photos and quick links to alumni and friends. I read this morning that the wonderful Oak Grove Lutheran school had a breach in their permanent dike. So sad. I wonder what we can do for them. My heart and prayers go out for the Fargo area people. I know how much work Rebecca Raber at Shanley HS put in to their choir tour and can't even imagine how her students are coming down after the efforts of preparing and now the efforts of holding back all that water. As we get ready for Easter, and as the Red River continues to come down, and when all the sand bags eventually come down, may we keep up the connections we have with friends, family, and new relationships due to the predicaments that have been delivered to us.
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