The Messiah, Cathedral Church Choir, Voices+, St. Mary's Central High School Choir, St. Mary's Blues, school liturgies and the choir tour... Wow! OK - So I know everything will turn out just fine, but I think I'll learn how to delegate a bit more. I think the toughest part of it is keeping everyone informed. My computer has become my other right arm with the audio files, lesson plans, spreadsheets for fundraising, posters and program preparation, grade book, liturgy slides and major form of communique. LOL! Well, if I can get a computer to do my workouts, I'll be set. I hope people are able to take time to enjoy all the beautiful music that the wonderful singers are preparing.
Our next big SMCHS Choir thing is November 20 out at U-Mary. It will be a great retreat day for the singers. On Sunday, November 22, the choir sings at 3:00 in the Cathedral for the Feast of St. Cecelia Concert. I get to combine my church choir AND my school choir. Should be fun! That evening at the Kirkwood Mall, the St. Mary's Blues will sing carols from 6-9 PM. They will be taking part in the "Season Premiere". We are selling tickets for admitance. $5 gets you into the mall and also registers you for a $1000 shopping spree. Let me know if you want a ticket.
We requested our performance at Ground Zero. This week we also pick broadway musicals to attend. Amazing fun and learning.